Feature Articles

Secrets of Deep-Ocean Photography

Undersea photographer Emory Kristof helped develop imaging equipment that can operate in the extreme pressures, toxic temperatures and total darkness of the ocean floor.

by Patricia Daukantas
Early Books in Optics and Optical Design

Two antique volumes—A Compleat System of Opticks and The Edinburgh Encyclopedia—provide an excellent means for learning about optical design before 1800.

by Kevin P. Thompson
Side-Emitting Fibers Brighten Our World

Optical fibers have found a new niche—as photonic non-thermal filaments that can be used for applications ranging from glowing fashion to infrared security systems to clinical devices.

by Janis Spigulis
Glowing with the Flow

Bioluminescent marine organisms such as dinoflagellates enable engineers and oceanographers to study complex fluid dynamics and demonstrate the important role of light emission in ecology.

by C. W. Thomas

Departments and Columns

A New Name for an Old Friend

Optical Sciences Center becomes the College of Optical Sciences.

Global Optics
Optics in South Africa

OSA 2001 and 1993 presidents describe their travels in South Africa, where they visited colleagues at a national laboratory and three universities.

The History of OSA
Optics Letters: OSA Gets the Word Out on Optics--Fast

Optics Letters was launched in an effort to promote quick publication of breakthroughs in the field.


Also in this Issue