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Is Finding Time to De-Stress Too Stressful? There’s Now an App for That

Surely every busy professional has noticed the new mindset emerging that as more time-saving technology is being developed, there must now be more time available to allocate to other tasks—and these tasks should probably be work related! This additional time for tasking means less time for relaxing and more opportunity for stress to build up. With only so many productive hours available, there is a new movement to turn de-stressing into the latest multitasking activity.

Luckily, has saved us time by doing the research and gathering together a list of 13 Brilliant Gadgets and Tools to Help Stress Management. With the exception of the HoMedics Thera-P Shiatsu Kneading Massage Pillow, which requires laying on the pillow for the maximum effect, each of the apps and devices are designed to fit into busy schedules and can be used in almost any setting.

Many of the stress combatants on the list use biofeedback data, from mood tracking and breathing pattern awareness to brain wave measurement, to teach users to properly recognize stress and to deal with it as it occurs. Some of the devices play music or meditation games while others identify which pressure points are the most effective for that late afternoon headache. The full list, including prices and where to get the items, is here.

Publish Date: 14 September 2016

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