Feature Articles

Sources and Science of Attosecond Light

Existing techniques and cutting-edge light sources are opening up the attosecond realm—and illuminating the world of electron motion.

by Philip H. Bucksbaum
Droplet Lasers

Airborne droplets—celebrated for generating rainbows and glories—can function as tiny resonant cavities enabling new kinds of lasers.

by Alexandr Jonáš, David McGloin and Alper Kiraz
Charles Hard Townes: The Second Half-Century

After receiving his 1964 Nobel Prize for maser and laser physics, this OSA Honorary Member pursued his diverse interests in basic scientific research, advised the U.S. government on aerospace and defense issues and pondered deep questions about science and religion.

by Patricia Daukantas

Departments and Columns

Scatterings News

Headliners, policy news, industry updates and book reviews.

Optics Innovations
Reynard Corporation: Custom Precision Optics

In the last 40 years, Reynard has gone from a college student’s dream to a large manufacturing corporation with a global customer base.

Conversations in Optics
Q&A with CLEO: 2015 Plenary Speakers

This year’s Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO: 2015) will take place 10 – 15 May in San Jose, California, USA. OPN had the opportunity to speak with three of the high-profile plenary speakers: OSA Fellow and Honorary Member Steven Chu, Shuji Nakamura and OSA Fellow Miles Padgett.

Career Focus
OSA U.S. Congressional Fellowships: A Career-Shaping Event

A year working side by side with policymakers in the U.S. Congress can lead to new perspectives on government, politics and career directions.


Also in this Issue

President's Message
President's Message

Optical Feedback
Optical Feedback

Member News
Member News