Feature Articles

Optical system requirements for laser scanning systems

The November 1986 issue of Optics News featured an overall review of laser scanners in Leo Beiser's article "Imaging with laser scanners." In that article, Beiser assigned low, medium, and high performance levels to scanners based on the number of addressable elements (pixels). This article concentrates on the optics associated with laser scanners, in particular medium and high performance devices.

by Robert E. Hopkins
Radiometric calibration

Unless a teacher is careful in this matter, it is quite likely that students will graduate without ever really learning how to quantify radiation.

by J. H. Taylor
Optical coating standards

It has been some months since we last discussed the work of ISO/TC 172/SC 3/WG 2, Optical Coatings. In that time Karl Guenther has moved from Balzers in Europe to a position with the Center for Applied Optics at the University in Huntsville. In Europe, Guenther was active in the work of SC 3/WG 2; since moving to the U.S. he has been elected to the head of WG 2. He and his international committee are now working on revisions to an ISO/Draft Proposal 9211, Optics and Optical Instruments- Optical Coatings, Part 1-General.

by Robert E. Parks
Nighttime on the desert

Those who have followed this series on radiation exchange now have enough background on the phenomenon to appreciate that if one were caught on the desert at night without adequate clothing, the situation might very well become critical.

by J.H. Taylor
Folk wisdom in optical design

This paper outlines techniques which, if borne in mind during the system conceptualization and design phases, can improve efficiency, effectiveness, and ultimate performance. Costs, mechanical constraints, parts choice, specification and procurement, available adjustments, alignment sequence and retention, deterioration of performance with aging, and other factors are considered.

by Anthony E. Smart