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Modern Optics, 2nd Ed.

This huge new edition of an optics textbook may be used for an undergraduate or graduate physics optics course. The book is arranged so that choosing and omitting topics can be done very easily.

The order of topics is appropriate, proceeding from the most basic and essential content to more complex concepts. Many optics applications are included, and the presentation of ideas is from an experimental point-of-view, which is a nice way to enhance the reader’s understanding. There are problem sets at the end of every section, but no answer key. And surprisingly, there is no section devoted to the unique nature of laser light. Overall, though, this is an excellent textbook.  

Review by Albert C. Claus, Loyola University Chicago, USA. 

[Editor's note:Bob D. Guenther, the author of the work under review, is a contributing editor for OPN.]

The opinions expressed in the book review section are those of the reviewer and do not necessarily reflect those of OPN or OSA.

Publish Date: 10 March 2016

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