Feature Articles

From Yesterday's Analog Electronic Still Photography to Today's Digital

Larish traces the development of digital cameras, modes of output, and new technology such as liquid crystals.

by John Larish
The Advanced Photo System: Carrying Photography into the 21st Century

Franz provides an overview of the film, camera, and processing for the Advanced Photo System. He suggests that this system will create a necessary bridge between analog and digital photography.

by Don Franz
High Speed Photography and Photonics Applications: An Underutilized Technology

Paisley describes the development of high-speed photography including the role of streak cameras, fiber optics, and lasers. Progress in this field has created a powerful tool for viewing such ultrafast processes as hypersonic events and ballistics.

by Dennis L. Paisley
The Amazing Optical Adventures of TODD-AO

Hecht traces the development of one of the most innovative collaborations in the history of film. American Optical, hacked by Michael Todd's money, delivered such advances as 70mm film, giant “bug-eye” lenses, and new projectors that made movie-goers relish their film experience.

by Jeff Hecht