Feature Articles

Adding a New Dimension: Lidar and Archaeology

During the past decade, lidar “point clouds” have revealed vast ruins of ancient cities in dense tropical jungles. Some say the laser ranging technique could revolutionize archaeologists’ understanding of human civilizations.

by Patricia Daukantas
Thin-Film Interference in Lossy, Ultra-Thin Layers

Although much thinner than conventional optical interference coatings, nanometer-thick films made of optically absorbing materials can display strong interference effects. This new class of coatings shows promise for coloring and labeling, optical filters, tunable absorbers and emitters, and energy harvesting.

by Mikhail A. Kats, Romain Blanchard, Shriram Ramanathan and Federico Capasso
Probing the Eye More Deeply: Adaptive Optics Multiphoton Microscopy

The integration of adaptive optics techniques into ophthalmic imaging devices has improved the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. The coupling of adaptive optics with multiphoton microscopy may help extend the reach of ophthalmic imaging to greater depths within the cornea and retina.

by Juan M. Bueno

Departments and Columns


Headliners, policy news and industry updates.

Optics Innovations
Tower Optical Corporation: Riding the Waveplates

Mel Kantor is not a scientist, but he knows a good tech business when he sees one. Here, he talks about his experience as leader of a Florida-based waveplate manufacturer.

Global Optics
A Fellow’s Journey to Mongolia

Akhlesh Lakhtakia details his journey to the hub of the most sparsely populated country in the world.

Career Focus
Career Culture Shock

Thoughts on navigating a new work environment.

Conversations in Optics
Introducing OSA’s New Treasurer

On 1 January 2014, George Bayz begins his term as OSA Treasurer.

Essential U.S. Government Functions

Joseph N. Mait examines the role of federal workers during the 2013 U.S. government shutdown.

Light Touch
Ulbricht’s Kugelphotometer

The challenge of measuring light intensity.


Also in this Issue

Optical Feedback
Optical Feedback

Member News
Member News

President's Message
President's Message