Feature Articles

Spatial factors limiting stereopsis and fusion

Convergence error only serves to produce the error of sensed relative disparity; however, it does not directly cause the illusion.

by Clifton M. Schor
Infrared spectrum of a block of ice

This article is a continuation of previous articles dealing with the desirability of including more material on radiation exchange in introductory physics courses. The subject of radiation exchange holds great promise for the teacher and student alike in being extremely open-ended. It is laden with astrophysical and space applications, both of which are of interest to most students.

by J. H. Taylor
ISO addresses optical transfer function

The International Standards Organization (ISO) has issued Draft International Standard (DIS) 9334, Optics and optical instruments—Optical transfer function—Definitions and mathematical relationships, for comment and approval by the various international member bodies of ISO. Because of the fundamental nature of the optical transfer function to the assessment of performance of optical instruments, it seems justifiable to devote this month's column to this DIS.

by Robert E. Parks